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FORM ADV PARTS 1, 2, and 3 (CRS)

Hutner Capital Management, Inc. is a Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) registered investment adviser. The SEC requires all registered advisers to furnish and readily display standardized disclosures which discuss business operations, services, fees, professional background and certifications, and potential areas of conflict of interest of all relevant parties.

SEC Forms ADV Part 1, Part 2, and Part 3 (CRS) provide this information in different formats. ADV Part 1 is primarily a regulatory disclosure form, ADV Part 2 is intended to be a plain-English disclosure, and ADV Part 3 (CRS) is a two page high-level summary of the client relationship. All three are intended to provide current and prospective clients with information which is pertinent in considering the merits of an investment adviser.

You can find our current filings through this link to our listing on the Investment Adviser Public Disclosure website: